Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sometimes it is Personal

My mom asked me a genuine and open question that caused me to think. She asked me if I take the strong opposition to Debbie Pearls Created To Be His Helpmeet and Michael Pearls No Greater Joy books personally.
My answer is 'yes' and the obvious next question is"why?" Well, after some thought I have an equally genuine and open answer.
Because it is a personal part of my life.
There are millions of books in the world and millions of opinions on those books. I would not be the least bit offended (though bewildered) if others do not enjoy reading the Narnia series or Little House On The Prairie. Our opinion of such books are based on Our own tastes and interests and obviously we are all very different.
So why do I take it personally when people that I know act as if the Pearls books are dangerous, abusive, and false? Why does it hurt to hear them warning others away?
Because I have personally read the books, personally agreed with them, personally recommended them and personally apply the same ideas, beliefs and principle in my day to day personal life as a wife and mother! Some things I had already figured out and some I learned through reading and study.
It doesn't really bother me when strangers rail against them but when people that know me personally and see how I personally treat my children say those things I can safely assume that they would share those opinions about my own parenting and philosophy as a wife and mother.
You would be hard pressed to find an article that I don't agree with. The only exception that really stand out is that I would move the training guidelines given for 3 month old infants up to about 9 months. Every article that I've heard complained about, such as car seat training, manners and 'standing up on the inside', I absolutely agree with.
So there you go, I don't expect it to change any ones attitude and I don't want people to be dishonest with me or start a debate but that is the true answer to 'why'.
I would say that before you speak harsh criticisms of the book, as just a book, it would be nice to look at the children and marriages of the people living, very personally, as closely to their guidelines as we can and see the results. My kids are not perfect in a robotic sense, but they are obedient (most of the time), secure,creative and happy and two of the people that I have to thank for that is Michael and Debbie Pearl.