Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Thinking about deactivating my facebook account for a time. So many things I see stir up sadness and I spend way too much time looking at it. Hmm....maybe tomorrow~


Dwight & Renée said...

Or do like I do, and just never login! I swear I've seen so many people talk about how much time and emotion goes into Facebook, and it just doesn't seem good. I suggested to Renee she consider not checking it at all except on Saturdays.

Love you! Had a great time last Sunday too!

Salehi Six said...

I know you are totally right but I am just too hooked. It's like being stuck on a bad soap opera or staring at a car wreck! I mean, I PERSONALLY know people cheating, divorcing, conservatives, liberals, liars, cult members, abortion and euthanasia pushers, pro life and God lovers, people that don't like me but want to talk, people I like but never get to see, people that love eachother, people that hate eachother, teachers, homeschoolers, mentally ill.... Doesn't that sound like the perfect season of
One Life To Live' to you?