Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We had planned to celebrate Christmas late because Teymoor has to work today and tomorrow. After Noah waking me in the middle of the night, the overwhelming eagerness when he asked to open his present and the fact that he realized that this is Christmas Eve, we decided not to wait. I am keeping all of the children up until daddy comes home for our traditional snacks and movie. Baby is awake too...kicking me. :) I am already tired but will do my best to keep Christmas cheer!

 The kids will open their Christmas Eve boxes tonight and have a normal  Christmas morning.
 Hubby will have to leave in the afternoon and we will go enjoy lunch with our neighbors.
 Thursday I will cook a holiday meal and enjoy the whole  day with my family.
 We are so very blessed in every way. Gods goodness is too great to comprehend but He graciously shows us glimpses every day.

Our Little boy

Monday, December 23, 2013


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Isaiah Is 14

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Another Victim

 I met another victim of "ADHD" labeling today. A handsome little boy, who's mother is a drug addict that lives in a motel with a boyfriend. His mother makes many promises but keeps none of them. The boy and his siblings are being raised by a short tempered grandmother. He sits there silent, slightly rocking, as if struggling to stay awake because of his "medication".
 This is the society we live in today. Children with abusive,permissive or absent parents, in pain,rebellion or fear,are being labeled with a "disease", as if their problems are coming from within their bodies rather than from the adults causing them.
 They are being trained to be life long drug addicts, believing that every pain, anger and trauma can be fixed with the right drug. When they grow out of their prescription drugs they will seek the comfort of illegal drugs to numb their pain.
 It is both infuriating and heart breaking to see thousands upon thousands of boys being labeled, medicated, excused and ignored.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I've been posting more in my Not So Popular blog today. I keep most of my serious thoughts over there but just a note here.
 Listening to and observing so many unhappy feminist ( or "liberated" in the church world)  women brings about an interesting question.
If all of these women, with unhappy marriages, unruly children, divorces , bitterness, exhaustion,stress and chaos etc. are so right In Their desire for independence, Leadership and rebellion why aren't they happy?
 And if women like me, who settle for "old fashioned" overly humble , "subservient " and Biblically "ignorant "views of womanhood, marriage and mothering have happy marriages, husbands and children, why should we be the ones needing enlightenment ?
 No thank you! Keep your women preachers,with their divorces and angry children, keep your  women politicians, medicated children and hiding (or absent) husbands! I will keep my joy, peace and satisfaction with the role God designed me for.

My Noah Has Style

It's important to Noah that he pick out his own outfits. He is very good about making sure things match and is always proud to show us the finished look.

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

ADHD, A Made Up "disease".

ADD/ADHD:   The "Designer Disease"

This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:
An excerpt from a very good article.

"The DSM is the only way that ADD is diagnosed. Here's how it's done. In the DSM, ADD has nine symptoms listed under it. If a child has any six of them, in the opinion of the doctor (or the teacher!) that child may be diagnosed as having ADD. That's it! Funny thing is, it seems like most of these entries on the list are not symptoms of a mental disorder, but just symptoms of being a kid: 

  1. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
  2. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected
  3. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it its inappropriate
  4. Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly
  5. Is often on the go or often acts as if driven by a motor
  6. Often talks excessively
  7. Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed
  8. Often has difficulty awaiting turn
  9. Often interrupts or intrudes on others

Sound like anyone you've ever known? Some may ask if there are any kids who would not fit six of these criteria. The reader should understand that this is the only "diagnostic" "testing" that exists for determining ADD. Six out of nine. No lab test, no blood tests, no physical examination whatsoever, no standardized batteries of written or verbal psychological testing. Just these nine. And unlike any other disease in history, the diagnosis may be made by anyone in authority, with no medical credentials or training whatsoever: the school nurse, school counselor, a teacher, the principal, a coach ."

While this article will rile thousands of parents who find comfort in hearing their child's behavior labeled a "disease" I would like to know how many people would find comfort in having all diseases diagnosed in the same mannor.

 How would you like it if your trip to the doctor consisted of him/her simply observing your most obvious behavior and then treating you, no tests, no x-rays, no proof? Hmm...your leg hurts all the time ? It's a blood clot, let's amputate. Constant headaches? You have brain cancer, we will start chemo tomorrow and schedule surgery. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Planning Ahead For A Peaceful Christmas

Planning Ahead For A Peaceful Christmas

Christmas Spirit Means Unselfishness For Parents

I love Christmas! I love the lights, colors ans smells. I love the anticipation and excitement that my children have. I love cookies, shopping and sharing with neighbors . I generally love Christmas.

 That being said, There have been some years that I did not care about Christmas as much as others. Years when there's family strife, money problems or poor health do not fill one with a desire to celebrate.
 During those "scroogy" years I still keep up the tradition and joy of the holiday for my kids. Like everything important, my feelings should not dictate my actions.
 This year I am pregnant and tire easily. The thought had crossed my mind to just do a tree and ignore the extra touches that I usually put around the house; it was a thought that quickly passed.
 It is appalling how many selfish parents I hear complaining about or ignoring Christmas. Parents who won't be wrapping their children's gifts because it's too much "work" and a "waste of time". Parents who won't put up a tree because they don't want to bother. Parents who justify refusing to go that extra mile because it's just not worth it to them.
 These parents disturb me; not because Christmas is in itself extremely important but because the joy of seeing your own parents make the house, the day and their kids extra special is important. 
 Traditions matter. Traditions are the ties that connect people to days and to memories.
 Doing things that take work, just to make your child's day bright and exciting, shows that you love them. It shows that you're not just interested in keeping them alive but also in their heart and happiness.
 When I hear grumbling parents excusing their lack of joy in the Christmas spirit I don't see people grumbling about a day; I see them grumbling about the expectation put on them to do something extra for their children. Christmas is only magnificent when seen through the eyes of an excited child and only a person who cares will see it that way.

Our Tree, With a Touch of Noah

 I didn't put garland on the tree but my little man says it's "supposed" to be there so he added some. :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Life has been so busy that it's passing too quickly.
I am 17 weeks along now and it feels like we just found out that I'm pregnant last week! We will see the gender in two weeks.. :)
 I've only been free of constant sickness and migraines for a couple of weeks ( "morning" sickness?? Yeah, right) and my house has suffered a total collapse . My children have faired a bit better, As they liked having a mom who laid around a lot and was too miserable to keep them on their toes.
 As soon as I started feeling better it was birthday and holiday time, which means that I got half of the laundry caught up and the house 1/3 clean before having so much going on that it was back to where it started in the blink of an eye. I'm not complaining, just admitting that I CANNOT keep up or do it all anymore...I'll blame the baby.
 Our eating habits have also plummeted, more candy? Ok...pancakes for supper? Ok...
I am determined to regain some semblance of healthy living now that I can get through an entire day without falling asleep six times! That reminds me, I need to make a grocery list.
 We decorated our tree last night . The tree looks good but I have 8 totes of mess to clean up when I'm done here..
 My December goals are to get my house in order, feed my children something besides carbs and to gain a peaceful, quiet, atmosphere . Busy can be good but I need to dig myself out of the chaotic mess in my home and mind, before I'm ready for another dose of busy.

Christmas Eve Party-In-A-Box

This has to be one of the best ideas I have come across in quite some time. My kids and their sweeties will adore this little extra special gift on Christmas Eve. This all-in-one surprise in a box is easy to pull together at the last minute. If you happen to find yourself wandering your local Walmart, brain dead from the mad dash you have been on since Thanksgiving, look up and add these  items to your basket and start a new family tradition. 

As the sun goes down on Christmas Eve, let your kids open this delightful gift. It's filled with an evening-full of fun, silliness and magical Christmas Cozy. It's a gift to be opened and shared making wonderful family memories. I can hardly wait!

Putting together this gift is oh so simple. 
Start out by placing a new pair of jammies in the bottom of the box...

...maybe a pair of cozy Christmas socks as well...

Next add a Christmas movie, an old favorite or something new...

...don't forget the movie munchies; popcorn, candy and something to drink...

 ...may I suggest a big mug filled with hot chocolate mix and squishy marshmallows? 
It's a great idea.  OH, Don't forget the peppermint stick!

Top it all off with a favorite Christmas book. Choose an appropriate book for each child whether it's a murder mystery, cookbook or 'The Christmas Carol'...

...and what you've got yourself here is a fantastic and quick par-TAY in a box!

If you have the time, wrap each item individually, place them all inside a larger box and wrap. 

Or if you can pull it off, stack your wrapped gifts like Harry and David's Tower of Treats. It can be Mom's Extra Special Tower of Fun. Your children will have a great time opening each little gift revealing wonderful Christmas Eve treats.

I simply can't wait! Grab yourself a box and create a new fun and memorable Christmas Eve family tradition....'ll be glad ya did!


party-in-a-box,Christmas eve,fun,kids,movies,jammies,snacks,surprise,puzzles,hot chocolate,marshmallows,