Friday, April 20, 2012

I wonder when "Conservative" was reduced to meaning that you vote Republican. I see so many people labeling themselves 'Conserative Christians' but living in a very liberal manor. Children in government schools, children'dating',immodest shorts and swimwear,hateful attitudes, foul language and a general acceptance of being just like 'the world'. I often think that people need to stop acting like being pro-life, ant-gay, anti-Mexican and anti-food stamps makes them "conservative". I'd have a lot more respect for all of the Republican posts and rhetoric if the people talking about how bad the government is would take their children out of public (government) school and start living with a higher standard. The "conservatives" don't hesitate to say that they cannot afford to home school their children but mock those that say they cannot afford to buy their family enough food. Why is it so much worse for my tax money to be used feeding the poor than to have it wasted on giving the general public a government education? To coin one of the popular phrases used to slam the welfare recipient, your "free" education isn't free. People like me are paying for it. So, maybe it's about time someone just came right out and said what they seem to believe, that people lacking food isn't as bad as people lacking a liberal education. The reason is obvious, 96% of people proclaiming to be Christians are depending on the government charity of the 'public school system' while a much smaller number are in need of help to buy groceries. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I THINK IT WOULD BE GREAT IF PEOPLE STOPPED NEEDING OR RELYING ON THE GOVERNMENT TO SUPPLY THEIR DAILY NEEDS. MY ISSUE IS WITH THOSE WHO ARE SO READY AND WILLING TO ACCEPT CHARITY IN ONE FORM WHILE INSULTING PEOPLE THAT ACCEPT ANOTHER. As one last reality check, the government allotment to publicly educate one of your children is a minimum of 9,000 per. year. The average allotment to feed a family of five is 6,000 for an entire year. Think about it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

twisted Twister Lovers

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Getting Ready To Go To The Dentist

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am not a Democrat (or,as my son used to say "demoncrat") but I cannot call my self a Republican either. Long explanation to say that this generally rings true!