Monday, September 29, 2014


  I have been having a very rough time dealing with my poor health. I Have spent a great deal of time researching Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue,Breastfeeding complications and constant foot pain.
 I'm quite certain that I've had thyroid issues for many years but lately the symptoms have intensified. I can check mark a lot of the more extreme symptoms, such as early graying of hair,PCOS, back pain, foot pain, foggy mind,memory loss, lethargy,cravings, weakness, vertigo and many more.
 Lately, it's been hard just to hold my head up or lift my arms. I have constant,severe,foot pain, which makes it almost impossible to walk, let alone exercise.
 Three days ago I started taking a variety of herbs and vitamins, including Maca, Reishi Mushrooms, Cordiceps, Thyroid Complex, Flaxseedseed oil, Fish oil, Kelp, and prenatal vitamins. I'm also making a concerted effort to eat as soon as I get up, snack frequently, and drink lots of water. I have started to feel better and am hopeful. I still get light headed a lot ,tire easily, and have foot pain but can get around a lot better already.
 Sometimes I can't help but cry at the prospect of never being able to go hiking, go to a zoo or other outing with my children without extreme foot pain. I absolutely cannot ignore this!
 I focus my energy on my family, which is good, but I have pushed myself to the point that they are effectively losing their mother/wife. Pregnancy, Surgery, a severely sprained ankle right after coming home,the trauma of my husbands hospitalization just a few weeks after my surgery, and the weeks and weeks of having to do all of the heavy lifting...then company for 2 weeks WHILE hubby had to stay seated and couldn't help..etc..etc.. I am forcing myself to rest a lot more now. It's driving me NUTS though because our house needs so much work !!
 I have always pushed myself. Sometimes it's for personal satisfaction, sometimes from necessity and sometimes for pride. I will still have to keep pushing but am trying to learn to close my eyes to some of the 1,000 things that I need to do and remind myself that my family need me to be able to physically function and have a clear mind.
 Working and praying...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Noah Adores His Little Brother

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Judah Turns Five Months

Noah Turns Five

Monday, September 1, 2014

Learning and Working

Noah and Judah 15 wks

Judah 15 weeks #1

The Guys Went Fishing