Saturday, March 31, 2012

White Illegals ?

It’s interesting how white Americans change their views over time, In 1620, when the first white ‘aliens’ came here, they believed wholeheartedly in crossing borders and refusing to obey the laws of the natives that had lived here since 700 AD. We tout them as brave heroes in our history books and declare that being born in a place doesn’t mean that you own it. We say that the natives opinion about our invasion is irrelevant because they didn’t have the same color and culture.
In the 1840’s (a mere 220 years after occupation) white America decided to take Texas and California from Mexico and exile the natives. Again, white people crossed a border and took the land by force. Because white politicians declared it their right and wrote it on paper we claim that it is just.
Today, many people are trying to emulate the history that we are so proud of by setting out as pioneers to a new land. They desire freedom and life in a land occupied by others. Our laws not only limit the numbers of people allowed to pass, they allow civilians in Arizona to shoot them on site. Americans by the thousands believe that since we made it ‘law’ and happen to be born here, these actions are just.
If you are against illegal’s crossing into this land, because you were born here, that is your right but don’t speak of your immigrant ancestors as heroes because they weren’t any different.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Much Better Peanut Butter

My little man loves a peanut butter "samich". He's had constipation problems for a week now so I wanted to find a way to help him naturally.
Today I added Stevia, Sunflower oil, Flax seed and Wheat bran to the Peanut Butter. Now He is enjoying it and getting his fiber and Vitamin E.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pro-life Sense

Every living person could be called a "choice". Every person around you has a choice to kill you or not to kill you. Maybe they choose to shoot you or run you over with their car? So, if everyone can decide each day to be a killer or to be a nice guy, and let you live, should each choice be considered equal and therefor legal? If you have the good sense to say "no" you are Pro- life. Congrats on your good moral sense.

Friday, March 2, 2012

After many years around emotion driven Christians I have come to the point where hearing the statement "God showed/told me..." needs to be finished with "in the word" for me to receive it without a lot of skepticism.