Saturday, December 7, 2013


Life has been so busy that it's passing too quickly.
I am 17 weeks along now and it feels like we just found out that I'm pregnant last week! We will see the gender in two weeks.. :)
 I've only been free of constant sickness and migraines for a couple of weeks ( "morning" sickness?? Yeah, right) and my house has suffered a total collapse . My children have faired a bit better, As they liked having a mom who laid around a lot and was too miserable to keep them on their toes.
 As soon as I started feeling better it was birthday and holiday time, which means that I got half of the laundry caught up and the house 1/3 clean before having so much going on that it was back to where it started in the blink of an eye. I'm not complaining, just admitting that I CANNOT keep up or do it all anymore...I'll blame the baby.
 Our eating habits have also plummeted, more candy? Ok...pancakes for supper? Ok...
I am determined to regain some semblance of healthy living now that I can get through an entire day without falling asleep six times! That reminds me, I need to make a grocery list.
 We decorated our tree last night . The tree looks good but I have 8 totes of mess to clean up when I'm done here..
 My December goals are to get my house in order, feed my children something besides carbs and to gain a peaceful, quiet, atmosphere . Busy can be good but I need to dig myself out of the chaotic mess in my home and mind, before I'm ready for another dose of busy.