Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We had planned to celebrate Christmas late because Teymoor has to work today and tomorrow. After Noah waking me in the middle of the night, the overwhelming eagerness when he asked to open his present and the fact that he realized that this is Christmas Eve, we decided not to wait. I am keeping all of the children up until daddy comes home for our traditional snacks and movie. Baby is awake too...kicking me. :) I am already tired but will do my best to keep Christmas cheer!

 The kids will open their Christmas Eve boxes tonight and have a normal  Christmas morning.
 Hubby will have to leave in the afternoon and we will go enjoy lunch with our neighbors.
 Thursday I will cook a holiday meal and enjoy the whole  day with my family.
 We are so very blessed in every way. Gods goodness is too great to comprehend but He graciously shows us glimpses every day.