Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have been doing pretty good with my eating and treadmill time. I can't run very long without feeling like my legs are noodles made of lava but I know it will get better.

Noah has been sick. He kept me up most of the night with coughing and not being able to breath through his nose. He then got me out of bed by puking all over his own face, hair and bed. That was nasty but we enjoyed a bath together.

Last night we went and bought Isaiah several pair of shorts and a couple of shirts and underwear. I also got Noah a couple of cute shirts and a T-Rex outfit. Emma hasn't been left out, she got shoes a couple of weeks ago and grandma is making her a couple of beautiful dresses for me. :)

I often look around at people passing by and think about what a lonely world this can be. I know that the people that would ACTUALLY miss me if I died today could be counted on one hand. Now that may sound pitiful but really I am blessed a lot more than most. Can you believe that there are LOTS of Jane/John Does out there that die and are never missed at all??? I am so grateful for my hubby! OK. that's enough for the deep thought segment...

I am VERY excited about our upcoming family vacation! We are only driving an hour and a half away but have several fun places planned to visit and will be staying in a hotel for a few nights. :)

I have most of what I wanted to get for Easter baskets this year. I don't know if we'll be in town for Easter but waking up to baskets in a hotel would be fun too. : Although I did get them candy, I am focusing more on fun gifts this year.

I am trying to keep good record of Isaiah's school time activities, including: study hours, book reading, field trips, and video time. Kansas law requires 1,160 hours of schooling and I have not been keeping records until last month!

I am learning a lot by homeschooling my children. Although I read the books, I remembered very little from my schooling. Teaching is a great way to learn!

Today Hubby and Isaiah will be going fishing. I'm not sure what the rest of us will be doing but there's plenty to choose from.~