Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My hubby and mom-in-law drove up to Tulsa and picked up my brother in law. He will be living with us for a while and probably moving to our area. It's good to watch the love and loyalty of family in action! There's nothing but support, love and joy in the family reunited.
The kids are already in love with their Uncle, which is great because love and laughter are wonderful medicines. :)


Unknown said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Covnitkepr1 said...

Thanks for the responce to my email. I didn't know if it went through or not. I so wish you had a followers widget...if you get one let me know. I like spiritual and family blogsd the most and this one fits the bill for being both.
I invite you to look over my blog and perhaps become a follower if you wish. Thanks for responding.

Salehi Six said...

I added a subscribers button. Thank you for visiting!