Friday, June 18, 2010

Controversial Christianity

I find it interesting how easy it is to be controversial simply by living a conservative life.
You don't have to tell people that they are wrong or that you disagree with their choices, just live differently than the majority.
If you don't swear or drink your co-workers will call you a 'goody too shoes'. If you don't date or believe in premarital sex you are a religious fanatic. This is considered normal and expected by most Christians but where it really gets heated is in the christian community itself.
If ladies don't wear pants or makeup they are legalistic. If you home school you are ant-social and uninvolved in reaching the world!
I have been guilty of these feelings. When you are around someone that has a more restrictive belief system it can feel as though they must be looking down on you. This can be, but isn't always the case.
I do have stricter views than most of the people that I know. Not only am I against dating, but I don't believe that swim suits are appropriate.(Where in scripture does it say that modesty doesn't matter if you're wet?)and don't even allow my 3 year old to wear them. I don't swear or wear short shorts or tank tops. I think that birth control is wrong and I believe that home schooling is an absolutely necessary part of christian parenting in this evil time. Giving your child vaccines that are made with the dismembered bodies of aborted human babies makes you complicit in their murder and is very dangerous. I could go on but I probably shouldn't.
I don't go around pointing fingers at people but I don't need to. Just by making these choices to live differently I offend and anger people. The sad thing is that most of the people offended are Christians.
I guess that says a lot about why we home school. The socialist mentality is that everyone should live the same, think the same, i.e. follow the same path. Anyone who does differently is a disruption. When someone is going a different way it makes us stop and look at WHY we are going this way at all. Is doing a thing just because everyone else says it's good enough really good enough? Being 'sheep' is much easier than really following Jesus.
If people were OK with going against the flow I don't suppose that the religious leaders would have felt the need to kill Jesus.
The question that homeschoolers are asked more than all others combined is 'what about socializing?" My answer is that I don't want my kids socializing in a socialist and worldly environment!
I know that we need to be lights in a dark world but my children are not going to be my voice or my tools to do it. We are in a very real war between good and evil, light and darkness. I would no more send my 10 year old alone into that battle than I would send him into a gunfight.

2 Cor. 2:17 "Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you."

Prov. 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.