Friday, June 25, 2010

God and Noah

I often tell my husband how glad I am that God is in control of our family planning.
Every one of my children has been born during a time of stress and financial crisis! My youngest was conceived, carried and delivered in what anyone would consider the worst time and way! Conceived after the loss of all income, carried after the loss of our home and delivered at a distant hospital via c-section and brought 'home' to the tiny upstairs of my in laws house. I would NEVER have planned a pregnancy under these circumstances! I was a stressed out/ depressed mess through most of my pregnancy. I felt guilty that I wasn't excited but just couldn't muster much more than acceptance. When he was born we fell in love with our baby but I still felt overwhelmed with circumstances.
As the weeks went by my love for my baby grew into absolute adoration and that grew into a realization of how good it is to let God be our family planner.
My baby didn't add stress to our life, he added joy! He took my mind off of so many of the negative things in life and reminded me of how much I love motherhood, my husband and my God.
Having my baby right now, right here was actually good for me! If I had stopped Gods blessing most of the world would say it was the wise thing to do but only God knows what is best for us.
My little man fills every day with smiles, cuddles and purpose; all of my "unplanned" blessings do!
God has used this to teach me a lot about faith. Real faith is only needed for really big things and really hard times. I have faith that God actually knows what He's doing and He's not going to do it according to my plans or the worlds logic. If I can't trust that Gods gifts are truly good how can I trust Him about anything?
I am one grateful mommy!!


Covnitkepr1 said...

Just goes to show that God does provide and especially when we depend on Him for our DAILY bread.
Please re'read my comment on the post just before this one.