Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It would be so wonderful to be able to have 'date night'! I have read that it's really important for couples to have one every week but I have to laugh a 'yeah right' kind of laugh and move on. I have been out with my hubby once a year for the last several years and that's for our anniversary! Of course we take the baby so it's actually less than that. Sometimes I really miss my hubby, even when he's in the same room (with all of the kids piled on top of him.)
I guess it just boils down to the fact that we're not close enough to anyone that I would trust with my kids. I would leave them with family but I don't have any that are in my life closer than an hour away. We won't hire strangers and the only friend that I trust enough is 5 hours away!
Our kids are too precious to us to take any chances with. I don't believe that it takes a village to raise children but I sometimes wish that I had a close familial 'village',sigh...
I guess we have another 16 years of grabbing a few seconds to talk here and there,longing looks, great memories and very quick rendezvous... baby needs to nurse, big brother wants to talk and sister is hungry.
'Date night' will just have to wait.