Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Heart

The metaphorical heart is such a complex thing. I have been thinking about how strange it is that one heart can hold so many memories and feelings, conflicting and powerful yet sharing the same person.
I am so full of love, happiness and contentment! I have the most wonderful man and amazing children. I have fantastic in-laws and incredible friends. I am truly happy.
At the same time I have such a deep feeling of sorrow and agony caused by loving others so strongly and knowing that the love is not truly returned. It's a gift and a curse to be able to have such strong feelings for those who have no regard for them. The all too common "unrequited love" is not always romantic in nature.
My heart has room for both happiness and sorrow, fulfillment and emptiness, love and longing.
I will pray that God uses my heart in both states of being and never lets me have a heart of stone, no matter how much easier that sounds.