Friday, April 30, 2010

Growing in our yard

Galium aparine is a herbaceous annual plant of the family Rubiaceae. It is native to North America and Eurasia. It has several common names, including Cleavers, Clivers, Goosegrass, Stickywilly, Stickyweed, Catchweed, Robin-run-the-hedge and Coachweed.

The long stems of this climbing plant sprawl over the ground and other plants, reaching heights of 1-1.5 m, occasionally 2 m. The leaves are simple and borne in whorls of six to eight. Both leaves and stem have fine hairs tipped with tiny hooks, making them cling to clothes and fur much like velcro. The white to greenish flowers are 2-3 mm across, with four petals.

It flowers in early spring to summer, with the flowers occurring in most of the leaf nodes. The fruits are clustered 1-3 seeds together; each seed is 4-6 mm diameter, and is also covered with hooked hairs (a burr) which cling to animal fur, aiding in seed dispersal.

It is a common weed in hedges and other low shrubby vegetation, and is also a common weed in arable fields, as well as gardens. As they grow quite rampantly and thickly, they end up shading out any small plants that they overrun.

The seeds are similar size to cereal grains, and so are a common contaminant in cereals since they are difficult to filter out. The presence of some seed in cereals is not considered a serious problem as they are not toxic.

[edit] Uses
When dried and roasted, the fruits of this plant can be used to make a coffee-like drink. The plant can also be made into a tea.

[edit] Herbalism
The plant was traditionally used to treat skin diseases. It is a diuretic and vulnerary. Herbalists use it to lower blood pressure and body temperature, as well as for cystitis.[1]

The whole plant is considered rich in vitamin C. Its roots produce a red dye, and the tea has been used as an anti-perspirant (by the Chinese), and as a relief for head colds (home remedy), restlessness, and sunburns. As a pulp, it has been used to relieve poisonous bites. [2]

[edit] Edibility
Galium aparine is edible. The numerous small hooks which cover the plant and give it its clinging nature make it unfit to be eaten raw. However boiled as a leaf vegetable before the fruits appear it makes tolerable eating. [

Wild Violet

Medicinal Applications
alterative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emetic, expectorant.

Flowers: aperient, astringent, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, laxative.

Root: emetic (in larger doses)


chest tightness
kidney and liver diseases
lung disorders
rectum and uterus prolapse
urinary infections

Sweet Violet has a long history of use as a cough remedy and for the treatment of bronchitis. It may also be used to aid in the treatment of upper respiratory catarrh. It is also used for treating skin conditions such as eczema and rheumatism. Also used for urinary infections. Sweet Violet has a reputation as an anti-cancer herb.

This herb is reported to be a very effective folk remedy for the treatment of types of cancers. The aboriginal tribes of India are reported to have been using the plant for the complete cure of cancer among their people for a long time. Infusion of the leaves is said to relieve the pain of cancerous growths, especially in the throat. Either the water extract of the leaves or the leaf juice is effective in the cure of tongue-cancer. All the plant parts contain the alkaloid "Violine." The stem is a very good substitute for Ipecacuanha.

When mixed with almond oil and senna syrup, this herb is an excellent demulcent and aperient for children.

The flowers of this herb are used in bilious affections, epilepsy, nervous disorders, prolapse of the rectum and the uterus, and inflammatory swellings. The flowers are popularly used for the treatment of coughs, sore throats, kidney diseases, liver disorders and infantile afflictions. The flowers are either used as an infusion in water or as a syrup.

Decoction, infusion, powder, pill, syrup

Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the herb and let infuse for 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.

Tincture: take 1-2ml of the tincture three times a day.