Sunday, July 4, 2010


Today hasn't turned out the way we wanted it to at all. Liz and the kids came all the way from Manhattan and we all went to the park for the big celebration just to find it cancelled due to rain.
Next my brother called and told us that Abilene was flooded and he and his family are sick so the family BBQ was cancelled.
Then we did some checking and found out that the fireworks in both towns have been cancelled!
The kids have been running around in the house all day and making their grandparents crazy with the noise.
We're going to try to salvage part of the day by loading everyone up and going to get our own fireworks. Uncle Micky seems excited about the idea and I know hubby loves setting off fireworks so doing it together should be quite a BLAST!
I wish things had worked out better; I was glad to be seeing family that I hadn't seen in 1 to 2 years and Isaiah really wants to see his cousins. Also, it's my nephews 4Th birthday today.
Well, maybe we'll have another chance to get everyone together. God knows what's best. ~