Monday, July 5, 2010


Unknown said...

HI my name is Goldenwings I happened to come across your profile and just wanted to say hi. I was a home schooling mom. Both my kids are now adults..(well sorta) LOL my daughter Kate is 19 and my son Joshua is 21,my whole family are bible believing christians also. I am a descendant of the Cherokee tribe. My great,great grandmother her name was Mina and she named her daughter Mina and then my grandmother named my aunt, Mina then my dad was going to name me Mina but changed it to Nancy which is my birth name but now it is Goldenwings.. MY husbands name is thomas but His native name is Rolling Thunder... Oh dear Im telling my Whole lifes story.. Im sorry... I just really like your many blessings to you and your beautiful family!!! I dont knowwhat profile to pick I really dont understand...=)

Salehi Six said...

Thank you for the kind comment!My GG Grandfather was a chief of the Cherokee people. As a home schooling mom I enjoy learning obout their history and traditions with my kids.
I would appreciate any tips you may have on homeschooling.
Blessings to you and yours!