Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Recently, someone we care about has decided to be a Jesus hating Atheist. There is  nothing more heartbreaking than seeing someone reject the truth so completely and know that they are heading for an eternity separated from God.
 It is not surprising, as so many people are being raised the same way this person was. People are being led in a magic "prayer" when they are 4 years old. They are being told that if they don't believe what they are told and repeat the magic words they will hurt God's feelings and spend an eternity in hell.Then they are told that if they do accept what they've been told they will be safe and happy on Earth and then spend an eternity in complete bliss. What 4-5 year old wouldn't say that prayer?
 Children, and then youth, adults etc., are not told of any need for sacrifice, travail, trials or sorrow. They are not told that bad things happen to God's children and God will get us through it, not around it.
 They are told that if they feel guilty for sins they have no further need of repentance and to ignore that bad feeling of "condemnation". They are seeing their families go to church while being in bondage to all of the same sins that they were in before becoming a "christian".
 They are seeing their parents fight,cousins beat, foul speech,foul joking, back biting, drinking, smoking, depression and lie after lie after lie.
 They are seeing half truths, empty promises, emotionalism and hypocrisy.And this is exactly what they end up thinking GOD is...empty.
 They would be foolish not to reject this false religion.
 Am I saying that all Christians are giddy with joy 24- 7 and never screw up? Absolutely not. What I am saying is that a Christian should never excuse, ignore or embrace a worldly sinful life. There Is victory in Christ Jesus, here and now.
 When a child has been raised in church and hearing about Jesus but feeling consistently lost and burdened by the empty misery of sin, and the empty teachings of a false gospel, it destroys their soul.
 Jesus did not come her to simply save us from hell, he came to save us from sin.
If we cannot have complete devotion and be willing to die for our faith, both to our fleshly desires and physically, we need to stop talking about 'Christianity' completely. It is not primarily the unsaved sending the church's children to hell, it's the church people playing church.
If a child is only told the easy parts of faith they will end up feeling about Jesus like they feel about Santa and the Easter Bunny, but with much anger added to the disillusionment.
 God made the Universe. God made mankind. God has a plan and a design. God made it possible for ANYONE ,who actually chooses to,to follow His plan.
How dare we think or act like we are fit to have better judgement that the Almighty.
 It is my hearts desire that the youth smart enough to realize that the preaching they've been given is empty will be smart enough to reject the preaching and not the God that made them. Satan has watered down the gospel, not only to a weakened version but a poisonous one.