Monday, June 25, 2012

A Good Parent?

If you want to know if a person is a good parent don't ask them, just watch their children.
Good parents have children that have confidence that they are loved and have a joyful spirit. Their children respect them and, though not always perfectly, listen to their parents.
 If a person has raised their children in love and in a manner that truly honors the Christian faith, their children will honor it as well because they know that their parents are not fools. Although they may decide that they believe some things differently they would never mock their parent’s faith because they love and honor their parents too much.
 When you see people that were raised in "Christian" homes but have a hateful rebellious attitude you know that there is a reason they don't respect their parents, even if you haven't seen it. These people generally will not respect anyone, including God.
The best way to raise a god hating, bitter, miserable adult is to be a dishonest hypocrite at home. If you want to know what kind of a person someone is just look at their children....