Thursday, June 14, 2012

I am so grateful to know a loving and personal God.
I've thought a great deal about the arguments against His reality and the ability to deny His existance. The simple truth is that you cannot stop believing in a thing, or person, that you have personally known.
 I can no more consider the possibility that God is not real than I could believe that my husband or children do not actually exist.
 This is the key, knowing Him.
 I have had God speak to me, lead me and love me. I have seen him miraculously touch and heal me and those I care for. I've heard his prophecies and seen them come to pass, in my own life. I have seen demons, and seen them cast out of the possessed man.
 If you have only known God in theory, or consider your mind so week that it cannot be trusted, I suppose you could stop 'beleiving'.
 If you've never met my husband you could convince yourself that He doesn't exist.
 A blind man could say that the sun and moon are imaginary. A deaf man could say that there is no such thing as music.
 Mankind is not designed to believe in things that they cannot experience.
 I can choose to stop obeying or loving God but I will always know that He is there.
 A lot of Christian teachers have preached that faith is believing in an untouchable, unprovable thing. This has been a grave error.
 God has always interacted personally with those that are truly his children. He walked with them, talked with them and guides them. The whole point of Jesus coming to Earth and walking with His creation is so that we can know him.
 If you cannot believe that God is real, because you have not actually known him, that is a sad but freely given choice. It is your choice and your responsibility.
 I would say to you that you have not been to the moon, seen the bottom of the ocean or tasted every fruit on the planet. You could choose to believe that these things do not exist, or you could make a couple of other choices. You could make it your mission to prove them by experiencing them, or believe that all of the people who have are not delusional liars.
 Going to church can be compared to going to a restaurant. The restaurant may be full of people but each will have made different choices. Some will have had steak, some chicken and some just a drink. Would you base your belief that the steak is good on the opinion of the person that only had water? The same is true of God. He says to taste and see that He is good. He asks you to try it yourself. He does not ask you to believe an improvable idea.
 In his mercy, God has made it possible for every person on Earth to know Him in such a way that they have no doubt.
 Most people that claim Christianity have not truly become a child of God. Most people base their ideas on the experiences of others. If that's all you've known, you have not truly known Jesus.
 Not knowing a person does not make them non-existent. A lot of people don't know you either.