Sunday, October 26, 2014


After 20 years with my man we've started dating. I cannot tell you just how much it means to me or how much I needed it! I used to read those marriage tip articles,that tell you to go on a date with your spouse once a week, and snicker. What mother actually does that??? I varied between seeing it as a selfish indulgence and truly wishing that I could do it.
 My hubby has decided that we will go out every week. He has realized that Ive been physically and emotionally breaking. My weaknesses have been impossible to hide. 
 For three weeks in a row we've left the kids and gone somewhere together. Yard sales, coffee at the park, lunch etc.. Nothing expensive or complicated, just much needed alone time. It seems to good to be true, and I keep thinking it will end, but I am just going to enjoy my man and learn to relax. 
 Having a wonderful teen, who is a willing baby sitter, is a dream come true! We make sure to reward his service with pay or privilege, and to keep our outings only as long as the time between baby feeding.
 It is a somewhat selfish indulgence but it does helps me to be a better mommy and a much better wife. After 20 years of marriage (the first 15 filled with painful drama of all kinds ) , 3 years of difficult pregnancies, 8 years of breastfeeding (so far), 4 c- sections, very little family interaction, distant friends , etc..etc.. It's easy for me, in my exhaustion, to just see each day as a hurdle that must be jumped (with great pain and moaning). It's hard to remember what it's like to be a couple, or to be alone with my own thoughts.
 I am truly grateful for a husband who sees that and loves me enough to help me heal. He's making me fall in love again and it's wonderful.