Monday, July 22, 2013

Mom At Home

It's easy to wonder if staying at home with your kids is truly important. Today I am reminded that it is. I am (as far as I know) the only stay at home mom in my neighborhood and where do you think the kids come to hang out? Yep, our house. Don't get me wrong, my son is a cool guy, and I know they like him, but I think it's more than that. I think it's the feeling of a "home" where people are actually living life together. The four teen boys that spend a substantial amount of time here, do not avoid me or the little ones. They seek out the kids to play with them and ask them how they are. They sit at the table and chat with me about their camping trips and school projects. They stay for lunch and wash up their dishes. They sit in the living room and just want to be a part of things. I enjoy their company but I feel a twinge of sadness for them. It's sad to know that their house is empty, sometimes late into the night, and they have no one looking out for them. It's sad that they can be here for 8 hours without anyone worrying. It's sad when a parent finally does come and ask me if I know where they are, at 11 at night.
 Society tells you that young people hate adults and want left alone but I can see the truth. Kids, even teens, want to be watched over and listened to; they want rules and hot food. Kids need someone at home to make it "home".