Monday, July 15, 2013


Facebook is much more than it's name. On the surface it is a place where people show you the face that they want you to see, true or false.
In reality, it is a place to see the true face often hidden.
It is a place to see that the nice "Christian" guy down the street is a drunkard and having sex with various women.
It's the place where you find out that the Christian choir director is actually a homosexual.
It's where you find out that your nice relatives and friends are racist.
Facebook is where people,who would not say anything in person,can insult and slam anyone that uses food-stamps or needs help to get by in today's economy.
 It's a place where Christian women can pose in bikini's, or other scant attire, and have thousands of people looking at their nakedness, without feeling self conscious or shamed.
 Facebook is the place where the people that normally smile and hug you will cut you off and block you for speaking out against sin and compromise.
 It's a place where you can actually see who people actually do and do not like by the amount of interaction they have with each person.
 Facebook is a place where people literally mock and scorn people that they would be afraid to confront face to face.
 It's the place where you are "friends" with people that you know would not like you at all if they actually knew you.
 It's a place where broken hearted women can post so many smiling pictures and happy posts that no-one would ever know that they are hurting but still not feel like they're lying.
It's a place where young people use foul language and post pornographic pictures right in front of their own Grandmothers without shame.
 It's where you can see how absolutely shallow a persons heart and relationships really are when they keep photos of themselves kissing various people right on their wall.
 Facebook is the place where you can see that your neighbor is a witch, atheist or liar.
It's the place where "relationship status" can change over and over again but very few will point out how sick that really is.
 There are good things on Facebook too, like recipe exchanges, scriptures and good news. I often enjoy it because of the good things, as do many others. Unfortunately, as is true everywhere in this world, the bad often outweighs the good.