Thursday, July 18, 2013

Favorite Recent Quotes and Questions From My Munchkins

Emma : " Mommy, when God says that you have to be born again to go to Heaven what does that mean? what does it mean to be born again?"

Emma: " If they (wildkrats and scientists) know so much about the worms and animals how can they not know about God making them? I just don't understand, how can they not know?"

Emma, after telling me that she argues with Isaiah "so much" and me asking her why." Because he's wrong so much."

Noah, I can't do it Mommy, I'm just a little guy."

Emma, while helping ,e make tea, "Isn't it amazing mom, that you can put the leaves of plants into water and it can make it taste so good? Aren't plants just amazing? Isn't God amazing for making us such wonderful plants? Isn't God so amazing?"

Noah, after I offered him cheese and crackers, " and chips mommy? Chips love cheese!"