Monday, October 16, 2017

No More Hiding

Having a facebook account is a constant reminder of how incredibly different we all believe and live. I have friends who are conservative to the point of legalism and some who are liberal. I have friends who hate God and friends who love Him. I have friends who love to use natural remedies and some who think the only way to not be anti-science is to fill your child with every medication and vaccine that is legal to give.
 Here is the thing, I share some of my beliefs but I hide a lot of them too. Some of them I don't post about at all and some I just hide from certain people.
 I HATE arguments and strife. I value peace and quiet more than I will ever care to prove someone else wrong and myself right.
 Today I decided to just come right out and state some of the things that I believe, do, or don't do, that seems to go against the grain.
 I still have NO intention of arguing or wasting a lot of time explaining why I do what I do but I don't really mind that it will upset some of the more sensitive souls.

 Here goes, not all in order of importance...

 1. I am a "born again" Christian and am absolutely certain that Jesus Christ offers the ONLY way to God.

2. I am only moderately "Pentecostal" as in I believe in the Biblical version of pentecost but not much of the churches version. I was raised in "Pentecostalism" and have learned that a HUGE percent of what goes on in it is just emotion driven pride and false sensationalism. I believe that God does still use supernatural works but I also believe that a large % of what goes on in Pentecostal churches has NOTHING to do with God.

3. I am an Arminian and believe Calvinism to be a heresy. I believe that Calvinism is at the root of most of the modern churches deceptions.

4. I believe the "Messianic" movement to be a false doctrine at best and a cult in most cases. I know that well intended people grasp onto it but the only way to follow it is to reinterpret the entire New Testament.

5. I believe that homosexuality to be abnormal, depraved and one of the worst sins; no exceptions.

6. Abortion is murder and anyone having one should be prosecuted for murder; no exceptions.

7.  I am COMPLETELY anti-vaccine. Even if I didn't think vaccines were based on shoddy science and lies I would be against them because I am pro-life and I will not benefit ( if it was actually beneficial) from the murder and use of aborted infants.

8. Evolution is a ridiculous lie.

9. I do not believe women should EVER pastor churches or spiritually lead or teach men. No, I do not believe that God told you to do it because the Bible says otherwise... period.

10. Women who have children belong at home raising them.

11. Divorce is a sin and God DOES hate it. God also hates the infidelity and abuse that is a legitimate reason for divorce.

12. I believe that teaching women that they should wear head coverings is both legalistic and ignorant. Again, an attempt to gain righteousness by works and, in this case, a complete lack of understanding of the original purpose of head covering.

13. I celebrate Christmas. I even love Christmas Tree's and Santa Clause. No, bending down to pick up a gift does not constitute bowing to an idol any more than you bending down to put on your shoes constitutes you worshipping your shoes.

14. I celebrate Easter with baskets and egg hunts. I also eat Ham...

15. I take my kids 'Trick Or Treating'. Satan did not invent candy, or costumes, or fun.

16. I have watched Harry Potter (the first 3 that don't scare them) with my kids. I don't think watching a movie about an imaginary world is any different in this case than watching Star Wars. I don't care if you don't watch it ( or anything else) but I won't let your fear  guilt me into compliance.

17. I very rarely wear skirts or dresses. I am not against them but I don't think wearing one makes me a better, modest or godly woman.

18. I think makeup is perfectly fine. I am generally too lazy to wear it unless we are going out but I do feel that I look better with it on.

19. I don't believe in birth control. Please don't talk to me about blessings or faith while intentionally rejecting God's greatest gifts because you don't believe that HE knows what's actually best for your life.

20. Breast feeding REALLY IS BEST but I don't think women need to show people their boobs to do it. I have breastfed 4 children a total of 11 years and I have never found covering up in public to be some horrid inconvenience.

21. I believe that ALL Christian parents should homeschool their children unless they are single and have to choose between having them go to a government school or go hungry.  I cannot change this fact because it makes you feel bad for your choices and, NO,   I do not believe that God told you that it is His will for you to allow strangers, atheists and humanists to train your children in their most formative years. I also give ZERO credence to the "salt and light" and "mission field" argument. Yes, that means I am judging but I won't confront you about your choice just because I ( and God's Word) disagree with it.

22. I do not allow my children to attend "youth groups" for the same reasons I wouldn't allow them to attend a public school.

23. I don't think it's funny, or in any way acceptable, for married people to lust after other people, including celebrities. "Look but don't touch" is NOT biblical.

24. We don't wear any shorts that are more than a couple of inches above the knees. HOWEVER, some of the greatest Christian's I know wear shorts that I would not approve of, while some of the coldest and haughtiest people I know would find my clothing to be unacceptable.

25. We don't wear swim suits/bikini's. Modesty doesn't become less important just because you're at the beach or pool. I don't know why anyone needs evidence that this is one needs to see your butt or wet nipples that isn't your spouse.

26. I watch movies. I avoid ones with nudity, sex or a lot of profanity but I am willing to turn my head and not look at something unexpected in exchange for a movie date with my man.

27. I do not cuss and I DO believe cussing is a sin.

28. I don't think King James is the only Bible but I do not believe that the NIV qualifies as one.

29. I like Christian rock music.

30. I listen to Christian rap.

31. We don't drink alcohol or allow it in our house but I don't think having a drink is a sin.

32. Dating is an invitation to cheap relationships, sin and heartbreak, ESPECIALLY for those who are too young to get married. I think it's a travesty when Christian parents allow their minors to "date".
33. I sometimes work outside of my home ( for pay) but I limit it to no more than 2 days a month and I often take my children with me.

 I can probably keep adding to this list but this is probably weird enough to satisfy the curiosity of most of my acquaintances!