Friday, December 30, 2016


 Christmas was a delight this year. I always love Christmas with my family but this year was extra nice.
The kids and I made loads of cookies for about a week before Christmas. We made Rugelech, Sandies, Sugar Cookies, Macaroons, Mint Dreams, Molasses Cookies,Pecan Pie Bars, Lemon Bars, Butterscotch Bars,Coconut Pecan Candies and Lemon Shortbread.
 Christmas Eve was our movie time with lots of snacks and cookies. Everyone got to open their new Pj's and we added the stockings to our "open early" tradition. It was great to see the kids so excited and really appreciating the smaller things that usually get ignored after opening a pile of gifts.
This year we didn't have any in-laws or company. We had peace and the joy of not worrying about anyone else's opinions, schedule, moods or criticisms.
 We had our early morning rush to the tree and gift excitement and then I was able to take a nap! It was wonderful to be able to go back to bed! Even after napping I was able to have our ham lunch on the table by 2 ,and without rushing.
 I didn't make pies or butterhorn rolls. I actually got two frozen cream pies for dessert and nobody felt slighted. :) I had made several loaves of bread for the Christmas party two days earlier so we warmed up some of that.
 For supper we had more of Christmas eve's feast and enjoyed a sweet and relaxing evening together.
 I am truly blessed and happy. I have never been more satisfied with life than I have been this last year. I sometimes fear that being this happy will set me up for a disaster but I know that comes from a lifetime of sudden traumas and a fear of shock.
 Today, I will enjoy today, and tomorrow I will enjoy that day; each one is precious. <3 p="">