Monday, December 7, 2015

God's Simple Plan

 Looking at scripture,and at nature, it is amazingly obvious what God designed mankind to do. He put a man and a woman in a beautiful outdoor setting and gave them a few simple assignments. Be friends to God, Love each other, have sex and make babies, take care of their home, and enjoy all of it! In living this amazing life humanity was worshipping the God who's image they shared and showing the blessed joy of humility, unity and love.
 Looking at scripture, and then at fallen society, it is glaringly obvious that these simple (yet profound) plans and design are what is constantly attacked.
 Marriage is devalued through both the acceptance  "shacking up and the acceptance of divorce. " Sex is constantly defiled and abused, feminism, (in both the world and the church), feeds rebellion in the hearts of women and destroys marriages, telling women that we should be "independent" and strong, rather than meek and gentle. Divorce is accepted and excused for the most minuscule inconvenience of "I don't feel happy". Homosexuality mocks the image of God and abortion rips apart the most precious and pure reminders of God's design.
The church has women "pastors" who, by their very acceptance of that role, are training people that scripture can ( and should) be ignored and that God's design is unimportant and outdated.
If God wanted men and women to be the same, act the same, and have the same roles, He would not have emphasized the absolute requirements of each one's different callings REPEATEDLY throughout scripture! When a women becomes dominant, controlling and authoritative over men she is operating in the same deception that a man is when he dresses in drag. The Jezebel spirit and the effeminate spirit are both evil perversions.
Homosexuals are getting "married" and singing in church choirs; telling every onlooker that God's designs and purposes are completely unimportant and that purity is easily exchanged for perversion without consequence.
 In the end we see that it all comes from the same spirit. When we can write off one part of scripture as "outdated" or "cultural" we can write off ANY of it..and we are. If a women can be masculine and have authority over men in church why can't a man be feminine and submissive?
 If you are receiving a teaching that tries to minimize the value of marriage, children, gender differences and the inerrancy of scripture you are receiving the voice of Lucifer!
God's plan is simple and will never change. One man, leading his family, one wife loving her husband, two becoming one ,who works for Christ and care for His creation. There is nothing that we can add to this plan to make it better and there is nothing that we can take away from it that doesn't completely destroy it.