Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rethinking The Value Of Desert

 I've always thought of dessert as a luxury. it's something a little bit bad,unnecessary and special. Cakes are for birthdays, Cookies are for Christmas and Pies are for Holidays in general.
 Lately, I've reconsidered this view. For a family trying to stretch  their food dessert can be a very practical thing!
 I have started buying blueberries and peaches at the dollar Tree so I can make a pie for 3-4.00. This is truly a blessing for my family and a boon to our budget.
 I know cookies and cakes have virtually no nutrition but there are exceptions (like Oatmeal Cookies) and even the unhealthy varieties help to fill tummy's when groceries are scarce.
 I am going to put an effort into making dessert a more common part of our family dining and,hopefully, make meals a little more special too.