Friday, August 10, 2012

I believe in God.
I am not delusional.
I do not have "imaginary friends".
I am not miserable and looking for excuses.
I am not "blind".
I am not "gullible" or "ignorant".
I do not have a faith based on something that I have not experienced.
I personally know the person of Jesus Christ and see his power in my life.
No one has the right to tell me that I am 'imagining' God just because they are unfortunate enough not to have known Him, but there are plenty of people ignorant enough to try.
You do not see the wind but you can feel the wind, hear the wind and see the power of the wind.
The results of the wind blowing PROVES that the wind exists.
Try to use an Atheists logic and prove to me that there is no wind; it will be just as ridiculous as any of your efforts to disprove God.