Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No Excuses For Killing

The topic of abortion has weighed heavily on my heart lately. Largely because we have a family member who went from protesting infant murder to excusing it.
I have thought about the people that I know who have tortured and killed their babies and people that I know who haven't. I think of the many reasons given and how there is no reason good enough.
For today, I want to speak of someone who did not kill her babies. My mother in law.
She had every reason (excuse) possible. Extremely abused by various people, lived in poverty, no education. A teen mom and alone through most of her pregnancies, She didn't have a support system or an easy answer. The answer for today's Liberal would have been to rip her tiny sons to pieces and throw them in a bucket like trash. Pro- choicer would have patted her on the back for making a selfish and evil 'choice'.
If my sad and lonely mother in law had been pro choice I would not have my wonderful husband or children. If she had been pro death she would have no children or grandchildren to love or to love her.
Every person excusing the choice to murder innocent infants should look in a mirror and then be glad they weren't just a "choice" to throw away.
I thank my mother in law and God that she was not "pro-choice".