Friday, January 28, 2011

There's something comforting about a hot bowl of soup. Tonight I made some delicious ham and Bean soup and Homemade bread. Isaiah's 10 year old friend from the neighborhood joined us for dinner and said with a big smile "I feel like part of the family". Yep, a nice bowl of soup shared with family and friends... makes you warm through and through.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Working Very Hard at this today

Proverbs 19:11 A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
Luke 6:27 "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Morning Cuddles~

Big Boy

Little Helpers

Emma doing dishes

Noah Bear Helping Daddy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Noah Bear~


Saturday, January 8, 2011

So much on my mind~

I have been learning a lot lately. There is no shortage of drama in a large family. If you get close to people you are eventually going to clash in some area or other because we all have different personalities and beliefs. In some cases extreme differences, like Christian vs. Liberal, normal vs. mentally ill... I could really go on forever. At any rate we have learned to stop caring..well, almost. Not to stop caring that they are ruining another life,constantly miserable or even heading for hell but to stop taking the burden of it onto ourselves. The emotional aspect is largely gone which is SO liberating! After all, people (ALL PEOPLE) are fools without Christ. We all have free will. There is only ONE way to God and (drum roll.....) my opinion changes nothing, and neither does anyone else's.
So there we go. If I could make people love God, make wise choices, like me and mine or tell the truth I may be happier....maybe...but I cannot so I will continue to remind myself of a fact that has always been true even when I was depressed or enraged because of others. They and their problems are Gods, not mine.
Phew, What a relief! Funny how much lighter you feel after giving up imaginary burdens.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My new favorite song~

It takes work

I know that we are not saved by works but through Christ. I also know that it takes work to stay saved! No, not 'works' as in sacrificial lambs, skirts to the floor and mile high hair buns, but work as in great effort! It's hard to follow Christ because He never takes that wide comfy path. His way is narrow,bumpy.... tiring.

I am struggling so much with emotions and right choice making! I want to take an easier path, to run away, to be angry or just not care. I am having to work at staying calm, forgiving the one making mean phone calls or telling hurtful lies. Or even harder, forgiving the ones hurting the ones I love! Why can't my feelings about people be irrelevant, or better yet blissfully above reality! Oh to just tell them off and sock 'em in the nose!.... Wait.. um...OK....working...

Man, no, LORD, I really need help! That's where real grace comes in. See, grace isn't a magic thing that makes God blind to my sins, no, grace is that strength God gives that makes it supernaturally possible to do the right thing. He gives me the strength but I still have to work at it!