Monday, October 5, 2009

Being Mommy

While being a mommy is the best job on the world, it is not always glorious. I have been reminded of that several times over a two day period. For instance, we go to Cici's Pizza for dinner and the baby actually lets daddy hold him while I get my food so I got my hopes up, eating with two free hands in peace? Nope, just as I'm about to sit down and eat Emma drops her drink on the floor. While I'm kneeling down, sopping up Sprite, she bites into a tomato and squirts the juice and seeds all over my white pants, ugh..
Next up is Walmart, carrying the baby around when he gets hungry and my milk comes in... hmm..
At home I do every chore in a rush while someone holds little guy, or with him in one arm: nurse, run to bathroom, nurse, make food, nurse eat, nurse do dishes... HUNNY, THE BABY'S GOING NUTS!!!
At night I sleep in the recliner while holding the baby, I was peed on twice and lost count of how many times I was puked on. When daddy's awake I give him baby so I can bathe only to have him come to the bathroom door 5 min. later, and ask "are you crazy" when he realizes that I'm taking the time to do it.( Very good thing that there was a door between us.)
No, I am not tired of being a mommy but being mommy can make one very tired! It's not a job that I would trade or quit but it is one that is rarely appreciated. All of it is well worth the effort involved and the payoffs are grand!
Just remember to give a helping hand and a thank you to the moms in your life!


Patrick and Emily said...

Ha! I can so totally relate! Being a Momma IS the BEST and HARDEST job ever!Love you!!