Thursday, October 27, 2016

Beautiful Things

I know you believe it is important to have a foundation of “sound doctrine.” You want to teach your children “sound doctrine.” You are not one who is “tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine.”
Therefore, what is the sound doctrine the Bible talks about? In Titus 2:1 Paul writes to Titus: “Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine,” and immediately proceeds to tell the older and younger men, the older and younger women, and the servants how to act in their daily lives! This is what the Word of God calls sound doctrine--living godly in our daily lives.
Sound doctrine is practical living. In your home, in your kitchen, and mothering and training your children. That’s why Paul immediately follows the message of sound doctrine by telling the older women to teach the young women how to live. They are to be “teachers of good things.” The Greek word is “kalodidaskalos” and means to be a teacher of beautiful and valuable things
What are these beautiful things? You remember them. To be self-controlled, pure, to love our husbands and to be submissive to them, to love our children, to be keepers at home, and to be kind. These are all BEAUTIFUL things in the sight of God. No wonder the J. B. Phillips' translation says they are “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”
What a privilege you have in your home today. You have the opportunity to practically live out sound doctrine. You have the blessing of doing BEAUTIFUL things all day long.
Have a BEAUTIFUL day, Nancy Campbell