Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Created for Him

I know that today's "Christian" feminists love to make a big deal out of the idea that women were created for God and not for their husbands. We are given the idea that being made for the needs of another human being is an insult. We are supposed to embrace being created for a "relationship" with God, for God's pleasure and for God's purpose while ignoring what it is that pleases Him and what that purpose is!
 Yes, I was created for God; ALL things were created for God and by His good pleasure, and each created thing has a purpose. Just existing is not our purpose. Feeling love for God, singing and praying to Him does not fulfill our purpose. Feeling strong and important does not fulfill that purpose.
The purpose of Man AND Woman is made very clear,Genesis and throughout the Bible, most directly in 1Corinthians 11:9.
 When there was NO such thing as sin,
When Adam had open access to the presence of God,
When there was no such thing as temptation,
Adam was not satisfied and God made him that way.
Adam needed Eve.
Then God created Eve for Adam, to be his helpmeet. To any sane person it is clear that Eve needed Adam just as much as Adam needed her and only a true Jezebel spirit can think that Eve had a lesser calling than any other woman.
Everything God created pursues it's purpose; it's "nature".
And yet, any good feminist will tell you that it is an insult to say that a woman needs a man, even if she is married she should be ashamed if she doesn't believe that God is "enough".
In whatever  God declares our purpose ,it is enough.
In whatever God says my calling is, it is enough.
When God says the way I serve Him is to be my husband's helpmeet, it is enough.
There can be no greater purpose, calling or pleasure than to serve as Christ served and to take joy in my purpose.
Any voice that tells a woman that she can step past her calling and enter into a greater one is a lying voice and satan is the father of all lies.
Does this mean that a single woman has no purpose or value? No, of course not. God has a purpose for everything and every person! A single person can devote their time to serving many other people in many other ways but this in no way  changes the fact that as soon as they marry they have a new calling to fulfill.
To say that God does not want women to need their husband's because some women have bad ones or none at all is ridiculous.
This is like saying that if a woman cannot bear children procreation is not God's plan for mankind, or that a beautiful tree that doesn't bare edible fruit is proof that no tree needs to bear fruit.
 I need my husband and he needs me. As the years go by I have learned that I need him more and more. I have also learned that it takes no real strength and no real faith to be independent.
 I have learned more about truly relying on God through learning to rely on my husband than any book  or teacher could have ever taught me!
To allow yourself to truly need someone is to make yourself vulnerable.
 To leave yourself open to pain is the only way to receive true joy.
 Only when I surrender do I experience satisfaction.
 This is true of God as well. Only when we don't try to force our way do we get to see His better way. Only when we surrender are we filled with His spirit.
 Without submission and embracing our powerful and passionate rolls as wives can we truly begin to know intimacy with Christ.
This my friends is a tiny glimmer of why Jesus said that marriage is "a great mystery of Christ and the church".
 It is ONLY in our weakness that He is made strong in our lives!
 It is very sad to see the multitudes of self proclaimed"strong", "independent" women going blindly over the cliff of pride, only to find that they are weaker than ever and farther from God than they had ever imagined.