Friday, May 16, 2014

Judah Ray

Judah's birth and my recovery has been hard but blessed.

Getting an epidural and spinal is a bit of a nightmare and probably the most painful part.I was shaking and squeezing the life out of hubby's hands but I managed not to yell.
Before delivery day I spent several days,to a week,with contractions 8-15 minutes apart. I was to the point of spotting when surgery time finally arrived.
 My doctors and surgical nurses were as  kind and helpful an humanly possible; I loved them.
 Judah weighed 6:10 and was born at 10:22 AM on Monday the 12th. The nurses placed him right onto my chest  for skin to skin contact, and kept him with me through recovery. They were very supportive of my breastfeeding wishes and only one tried to interfere. It's funny how the young ones, who have never had a baby, seem to know everything...anyway...
 I nursed him almost 24/7 and my milk came in Wednesday afternoon.
Now that he has milk he is a very contented baby and only wants to nurse every three hours or so. As is usual for me, I have way more milk than I need and am actually trying to get him to drink more than he really wants!
 My pain has been under control most  of the time but I did break down in front of everyone on day two. I had taken one pill instead of two and went for a walk down the hall; bad idea.
My staples come out Monday. As of today it still feels like my in-scission is ripping at times.
Physically, The happy news is that I am finally getting some sleep! I have been sleep deprived for so long that it's gonna take a while to get caught up.
The kids are all in love with him and he doesn't even mind the consistent showering of kisses. Emma has really proven her love by informing me that she doesn't even mind of he pees on her (coming from her that's an amazing amount of love).
My mom has been staying with us for a few weeks and giving us a lot of, much needed, help. Judah likes her singing. :) 
Judah is wonderful, and totally worth all the pain and struggles. He is perfectly beautiful; a gift only God could give.~