Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who's An Alien?

Having friends and neighbors that come from Mexico has certainly given me a better understanding of the 'alien' debate. That and a study of ACTUAL American history makes me a lot less judgemental and aloof.
I live in a town where I hear almost as much Spanish as English and you know what? I really don't care anymore.
I want to be focused on Gods love and purpose for all humanity. If I waste my time thinking about who doesn't "belong" here I forget that none of us belong on this planet. This is a short stop along the journey and I want to take as many people, of types, with me as possible. I care a lot more about their legal residency in Heaven than how long it took them to become legal here.
It's interesting that everyone loves talking about how good people follow the law but ignore who is making those laws and why. In China the law says that I would have had to murder my youngest two children to prevent over population. That "law" is immoral and unjust and no person following it will have a 'get out of hell free' card just because they were abiding by "the law".
164 years ago America took Texas from the Mexican people. I'm not saying that means we shouldn't have any rights to it but I am saying that it doesn't mean they shouldn't have any rights to it. The history of humanity, including most of American history, is made up of greed, theft, dishonesty and murder. The fact that someones ancestors won or lost a war or were or weren't born in a place should not decide how they are treated today.
If we are truly born again Christians our focus should heavenly citizenship and showing Gods desire to all nations and people.
As a side note I'd like to tell you a bit about a friend of mine who is from Mexico. He came here to find work and start a new life. He found the people who say they will take care of making his citizenship legal. 3,000 here, 2,000 there, promises and more promises and 5 years and 15,000.00 later he still had no papers. Soon after he was arrested as an illegal and it took his wife another 5,000 and 6 months to finally get the papers done by a completely different person. There are a lot of people getting rich off of the desperation of these people.
You can choose to look at it however you want to but if MY children were crying and begging me for food for days at a time, I would go anywhere that I could go to find a better life. Hate all of the "illegals" if you think God supports you in it but I chose to see them as people and have some compassion.