Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Home Schooling !

I have really been enjoying 'school' this year. Sometimes I get overwhelmed or worried, just like all caring homeschool parents, because I want my kids to learn well AND love learning. Thankfully, I am pretty relaxed so far and having fun with my babies.
Isaiah felt that was too childish and easy. He is someone that needs to have pressure put on him in order to excel. If it's too easy he gets lazy and distracted. We went back to Abeka and are using a timer to keep him on the ball. If he takes too long he doesn't get to play the xbox. (Thank you Uncle Josh :))
Emma is not quite 5 yet and is starting to read. She actually read half of a book last night! I read the harder words for her and help her sound them out.
Science and history will be done as a family from now on. No more sending Isaiah off to his room with book after book. I will be reading the lessons to them while they do a corresponding project, such as drawing, construction or coloring, etc.. this keeps them both interested and active. I like this MUCH better! We will still watch educational videos as well. Discovery, History Channel ,Animal Planet, Nova, BBC ,National Geographic and PBS have some wonderful programming.
My goal is to maintain creativity and joy throughout the year. My babies are growing so very fast and I cherish all of out time together!