Thursday, August 12, 2010

Good Day

Today has been a good one. I've got a lot of cleaning done upstairs and down. Of course there's always more that needs done than gets done but it still feels good to accomplish something.
Mom took me to pick up a bag full of Midwest Living magazines that a lady offered on freecycle, which I'm really happy about.
And most exciting of all I actually got what I needed for Emma's cake! All this time I had planned to make a Strawberry Shortcake cake and she switched it up on me and decided that she wants a Diego cake. I thought about buying one but really didn't want to spend 20.00 for a small cake so I asked the freecycle folks if they had any old Diego toys. One lady responded and told me that even though she didn't have any the Dillons on Ohio was selling Diego cake decorating sets on clearance. I was able to get the whole set for 3.00 and am so glad!
Now I need to work on the office and Isaiah's room. Since he will be doing a lot of his school work online we decided to put a computer in his room so he won't hear the TV during school hours. If it were my house the TV wouldn't be on but this is my inlaws home and it usually is. Anyway, in order to plug the computer in we have to drill a hole through the wall and rearrange the entire room which is a lot of work!
I also need to start on Emma's pinata so it's dry by Tuesday.
All is well and God is faithful. ~