Saturday, September 16, 2017

My Sisters

For many years my sisters and I had obstacles between us. 
We had secrets and fears, many based on the negative voice of another and of experiences that we didn't even know that we shared.
 We went on with our lives mostly separately, but still with a connection. 
Now we are adults and can see life more clearly. 
Now we have a greater love and appreciation for each-other. 
Now we have a relationship independent of negative voices. 
We are friends, and it is a great blessing. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My Husband

So...JUST IN CASE some completely dishonest or delusional person ever says otherwise... I'd like the entire world to know that I have an AMAZING husband.
 My husband is completely faithful, in every way.
My husband has NEVER abused me, emotionally or physically.
My husband tells me how much he loves me, numerous times, every day.
My husband is a gentle and generous lover.
My husband asks my opinion on almost everything, from songs and purchases to plans and spiritual things.
My husband protects me and makes me feel safe.
My husband consistently tells me that I'm beautiful, and treats me as though it's absolutely true.
My husband takes me on dates, cuddles, kisses,encourages and compliments me.
My husband does not like people who cause me pain.
My husband loves spending time with me and our children more than anything else.
My husband provides for my needs, both materially and emotionally.
My husband is MY BEST FRIEND and I will love him for all of eternity!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Our very pretty, and very protective Akela

A Common Occurrence from My Childhood...